The 7-Power Contractor® Signature Operating Manuals System

Additional Manuals

You have two options for more.

Best Option: Upgrade to All Access

All the Manuals

  • 20 Office Operations Manuals that cover the rest of the boxes on the org chart
    (Click here to tour this group of manuals)
  • Includes Apprentice and Field Supervisor manuals (sets you up for the next program)
  • All the Trade Manuals I have (17 total)

1-to-1 Zoom Coaching

  • Three 30-minute Zoom sessions—and you have 6 months to use them!

Access to Al's Vault

  • A collection of industry-tested forms and key processes that will save you time and help you run a more efficient business. Click here to tour the vault
Click here to Upgrade to All Access for $7,498

Financing May Be Available

Simply select the PayPal button at checkout and apply for PayPal Credit within your own account. If approved, you will be able to complete the transaction with PayPal Credit.

Option 2: Purchase Individual Trade Manuals

17 Trade Manuals Available

You must already have Signature Operating Manuals System Basic before you are eligible to purchase any trade manuals.

$1,200 per manual

Click on each manual to see a video tour of what's inside!

You will need to log into your account to purchase these manuals. All sales are final.