Information and insights for plumbing, heating, cooling, electrical, and other service contracting business owners direct from your host, contracting business consultant and former contractor, Al Levi. All episodes are 10 minutes or less.
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014 – Beware Actions Born of Boredom
Everything's going well. You've got customers. The phone is ringing. Time to start another service line, right? Not so fast. In this episode I outline the perils of acting out of boredom rather than from the foundation of a solid strategic business plan.
013 – Actions Speak Louder than Words – Fix Your Own First
You're being watched—did you know that? Your employees are studying your every move to determine what is OK behavior at your company. In this episode I explain how to make that crystal clear and why you must tow the line like everyone else if you want to make it work.
012 – What to do When the Work Family is Fighting
Family's fight. It's what they do. My brothers and I are very close and when we all were working together in the famly business, we had some doosies. In this episode, I'll provide some guidance on how to successfully navigate through the family dramas to get everyone refocused on the business.
011 – Who Goes to Training and Seminars?
Conferences, training seminars, webinars, demonstrations—who goes? If you're like we were in my company, it was us! In this episode I explain why it's more beneficial to use those opportunities to train your techs so that they can become more capable and better at their jobs.
010 – No Such Thing as Accidental Company Culture
If the culture is crummy in your company, whose fault is that? Yours! The good news is that because you created it, you alone can fix it. In this episode I'll tell you how.
009 – 90% Chance Nothing Bad Will Happen
Scared to take time out of the business to work on it? In this episode I wax on about how there is a 90 percent chance nothing bad will happen if you take two hours a week to work ON the business instead of in it, along with some tips on how to do just…
008 – Right Way to Say Goodbye to a Bad Employee
Getting rid of a bad employee can improve your business immediately, but if not done carefully also can cause a lot of problems. In this episode I talk about the steps of corrective action you can use to document departures from expectations outlined in your operating manuals and either get them back on board or…
007 – Chief Executive Communicator
I have a new title for you: Chief Executive… Communicator! What is that? In this episode I explain the critical importance of this role, which involves creating your vision and helping your employees see that vision as their vision too.
006 – What to do if Employees are Always on Social Media
Employees always on social media? What can you do? In this episode I address how to manage through employees who are always connected.
…and get our handy Toolkit chock full of helpful information, too!
Notice to listeners: The information in this podcast, along with the forms and structures provided, are meant to serve as a helpful reference guide for the plumbing, heating, cooling, electrical, and other contracting industries. The host of and contributors to this podcast take no responsibility for compliance with the laws or regulations that govern your specific business. The responsibility for making sure everything is compliant (among other things) is 100 percent yours. Before you implement any new information or forms, please check with your own trusted business advisers, including your own attorney, to make certain that the forms and the information you plan to implement will comply with all relevant laws, customs, and regulations.